October view from studio window |
A first frost this week but the garden is still very green. It doesn't look like it is going to be a particulaly colourful autumn this year. I would normally spend most of the day in the studio, but there is so much produce in the garden this year that I am having to spend the afternoons bottling and stirring jams. The garden also needs clearing and mulching.
Hamish shovelling free compost |
Luckily in France, there is usually a huge pile of free compost at the local tip. This particular pile was steaming hot and smelling like a ripe fruit cake (sort of). We filled every sack we could find and the garden is slowly going to bed under a blanket of this lovely black stuff.
Sean with giant puffballs |
The garden is also producing more than just fruit and veg. We have found nine of these so far this year, and they don't keep. I could fry up a meal for the whole village!
Poppy centre, pom poms and cornflowers |
In the studio I have made a start on a few new things. The poppy centre will be filled with black monofilament once is has been glazed fired. But mainly I am thinking and designing.
Sloe vodka, Quince jelly, Contignac and Membrillo |
In the kitchen the preserving goes on, albeit slowly as I can't get the membrillo to set. Only another two crates of quince to go. For the moment though, I just need to clear up as every surface, even the wall clock, seem to be covered in sticky jam!
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