The weather has been glorious this week, although freezing at night the days have been so sunny and bright that coffee and lunch have been outside every day, and I almost have a march tan on my face. It feels like the growing season has started too. In France
everyone grows their own veg, and because of this there is a huge trade in plug plants at every market you visit. So for all the usual veg, lettuce, brassicas, tomatoes, strawberries, etc., you just buy 12 or 24 little plants and pop them straight in, Easy peasy and sold just at the time you need to grow them. This leaves more time for growing on seeds of more unusual varieties.
Somewhere in here is a pond |
The improving weather has spurred me on to cleaning out the ponds. A bit late perhaps in the season, but I couldn't face it when it was colder. Anyway, there was no frog spawn yet so I went for it. This pond was more sludge than water, and by the end of the afternoon, so was I. Hundreds of grumpy newts headed for the hills and at the bottom was the hugest yellowest frog I've ever seen. It'll all look lovely again in a week or two.
In the studio work continues at a pace. This week I've thrown these two large 'Angels'. One of them will be a blueish colour, and the other I'm still thinking about.
I'm keeping myself warm in the evening by crocheting a blanket.
This is an ongoing project. Winter time I sit in the evenings listening to the plays on R4 (french telly doesn't do it for me) and knitting lovely jumpers. There is always wool left over, so at the end of winter I crochet some more stripes onto the keeps my knees warm too!
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