Lots of photo's this week as we've been away to the south of France for my nephews wedding. We decided early on to take the train as we're not keen on flying, and anyway train journeys are great. As in Britain, if you buy your tickets early they are cheap, and we were upgraded to 1st class which meant wide, comfortable seats. The journey was 4 1/2 hours from Rouen.
Through Lyon |
The best thing about long train journeys is the view from the window, and watching how the countryside changes......
Sunflower field |
...and you know you are in the south when the Sunflower fields appear........
....and the hills become mountains.
sur le pont d'Avignon |
And then we arrived in Marseilles. This city was a surprise to me, more north African influenced than I had thought. Hot, dirty, busy but I'm glad I've seen it. We spent a few hours here then got another train to St Cyr to stay with the parents of my friend Gabrielle.
They live in a gorgeous place right by the Med, and when we arrived hot and thirsty, we were able to pick lemons right off their tree to make a citron presse....how amazing is that! Then we had grapefruit from another tree for breakfast.
I have never been down this far before and had not realised quite how different and exotic the south can be...I always think of France in terms of Normandy and Paris, so it was great to be able to see the other end of it.
sparkling Med |
My first view of the Med and couldn't wait to go for a swim,
and it was cold! The Mistral had been blowing and to be honest I reckon the channel is about the same temperature.....I'm sure it must get warmer.
We went for a walk around to a hidden smugglers bay, and it actually does look green. It is very beautiful, and the water clear, although I'm told the reasons for this are not particularly good.
Of course the planting down here is exotic too, these trees were just outside Marseilles station...I'm not sure what they are although the leaves look familiar.
St Maximum la Baume |
After all this fun we were off to the wedding which was across the mountains and up to St Maximum, where allegedly Mary Magdalen ended her days, and indeed they have some/her remains in the basilisque here. It is very Jean de Florette country around here, mountainous and dry, yet green too. I imagine they have a lot of thunderstorms here, and in fact we left in one.
all dressed up for a wedding |
Had a scoot round a pottery here, but not really my taste. However the markets great, although so not Normandy...no creme fraiche or butter, but plenty of olives, goats cheese and lavender. Wouldn't swop it though, and rainy as Normandy may be at times, it is lush and rich and the cycling a bit easier than it would be down here. Having said that I would like to come cycling down here so that may be a plan. perhaps from the south back to the north. Well, we saw a lot over just a few days and for that I must say Thanks! to Isabelle and Andre who were so generous with their house and time.
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